Name: Zippy
Age: 33
Breed: Quarter Horse
Height: 15.1h

Guess who Zipped?

Wonderland Farm was blessed to have Zippy for almost twenty years. He was a patient and kind teacher for hundreds of new riders and taught us all so much. Zippy went over the rainbow bridge in June of 2020 and he is greatly missed.
Guess Who Zipped, a sweet solid citizen. Zip knows his job and takes care of his riders. Zip has been around the block a time or two, starting his career many years ago in the show ring as a western pleasure horse and later making a transition to the hunters and learning how to jump. Zip is one of the most patient and well behaved horses you will ever find.

Name: Mr. Wilson
Age: 13
Breed: Paint
Height: 15.3
Mr. Wilson

Wonderland Farm was blessed to have Wilson for 10+ years. Much loved among our students, he crossed the rainbow bridge in November 2022.
Mr. Wilson was a good sized broad paint gelding with a blue eye. Wilson was a favorite among the intermediate riders with his smooth canter and easy jumping style.

12.2hh Welsh x gelding
Greatly missed, Oliver crossed the Rainbow Bridge in October, 2023. He was a favorite for all visitors to our farm.
Mr. personality, Oliver is fancy and his antics are sure to get your attention and a laugh. An intermediate kids dream! He snaps hid knees up as he jumps around 2', just needs some finishing on his changes. Large bodied with comfortable gaits. A definite head turner in the ring.

Country Boy
Chesnut TWH gelding
With his Smooth and steady gaits, Country Boy is a favorite when students want to take it easy and go for a trail lesson. Reliable for beginner riders and fun for everyone. Although he knows how to trot, as a Tennessee walking horse he is gaited and students enjoy experiencing his Running Walk!.
Favorite Treat: Low-carb only